Wow, I didn't realize that I have not blogged in such a long time. I have been quite busy going to a lot of different places with my girl. By the time I get home I just want to eat, play a little with my big brother then sleep the night away.
I had a little reunion with one of my litter mates. It was so exciting to see her. We played, and played and played. I am the one on the right. My sisters name is Anza and she is cute as a button. I am excited to be able to see her again in Apr.
I also went to this really neat place with my girl called The Lazy Dog. Can you believe it? They named a restaurant Lazy Dog. I don't think we are that lazy. If I had my way we would play all day and night. Well maybe not all night - got to get my beauty sleep. I met this good looking dog there but he didn't say much. I posed with him anyways
Lastly I wanted to tell you that I am so happy that Girl Scout cookie sales are coming to a close. If I have to pose one more time at a booth sale I might just have to BARF!!!!! All those cookies and I can't even have one. How fair is that???
Til next time - Happy trails and keep your tails wagging :)
You are such a tiny little puppy and already having to go to work selling cookies. Well, you are going to be working hard when you grow up, so guess you better get used to it now.